Integrating myofascial therapy, massage and cranial-sacral therapy to alleviate pain, imbalances and restricted movement.

Adult Care

Effective treatment for chronic pain. surgery recovery and stress reduction

Integrating myofascial therapy, massage and cranial-sacral therapy to alleviate pain, imbalances and restricted movement.

Adult Care

Effective treatment for chronic pain. surgery recovery and stress reduction

Working with your body to release muscles and the fascia surrounding it, providing relief and promoting unrestricted, pain-free movement.

Gentle pain relief & stress reduction

Chronic Condition Management

Through gentle but effective tension release, I can provide pain management for individuals suffering from stiffness and immobility from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, lupus, and MS.

This type of therapy is effective in promoting blood flow to areas that may have restricted movement, allowing them to move more freely and with less pain. 

Surgical rehabilitation and recovery

Improve recovery speed and procedure results through myofascial and massage therapy, which improve blood flow and lymph drainage, promoting healing in the body tissues and allow you to return to normal activity. 

Improved athletic performance

Myofascial therapy helps active adults by applying sustained pressure on affected areas of the body to maintain a range of motion, mobility and flexibility. This allows you to maintain the activities you enjoy while reducing the risk of injury, encouraging muscle recovery and alleviating pain from overuse. 




Stress reduction and pain relief

Myofascial therapy techniques activate the body’s relaxation response while releasing muscle knots and tension . This reduces the production of emotional and physical stress in the body, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.


Through gentle but effective tension release, I can provide pain management for individuals suffering from stiffness and immobility from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, lupus, and MS.

This type of therapy is effective in promoting blood flow to areas that may have restricted movement, allowing them to move more freely and with less pain. 

Let's work with your body to unleash its' potential and find freedom from discomfort

Embrace a healthy life without limits!

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903 Razorback Dr, Suite 1
Houghton, MI 49931

(906) 523-5016
(503) 332-4338 (cell)



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